Sunday, May 01, 2005

Divine intervention

Honestly, I've used the word "conincidence" so many times!! I mean c'mon when you see something happen that was so identical in form or timing or purpose to another ... u tend to say "Wow!! What a conincidence!?!"

Today the same thing happened to me but I'd rather call it "divine intervention" or "divine occurence" ... (I like the first one better though)

Anyways I've been going around looking for a nice church here in Richmond, VA that suits me & my beliefs and the form of worship that I am more comfortable with. Finally today I found my church! And the best part is it's like 2 miles away from where I'm staying right now.

Oh! coming back to the reason I call this post ... divine intervention ... Anyways today I step into this church for their Sunday worship service for the first time and the only thought bouncing around my head a thousand times in a thousand different similar meanings is "Will this church be the one for me?" So after meeting people and telling them my name & ofcourse hearing like 30 names (none of which I remember now!!) I settle down and the service starts. Right then the worship leader started singing "Joyful, Joyful, We adore there"!!! If you're not surprised then you haven't read my past posts.

If you've been reading my posts earlier, I bought the passion CD and I did write about this song "Joyful, Joyful, we adore thee" I love that song and I keep singing it and even repeat playing it on the car stereo.

Just when I heard the first few words of the hymn, this great warmth settled down on me and I was like stuck to the place where I was. I never felt so calm and comfortable before. It really felt like this great & awesome being was working in such amazing ways and making sure things were working out for me. It felt great that some big powerful & dangerous being was actually sweetly & softly taking care of me!! It was wierd, but I felt like I have been taken care of.

Anyways I would not call the starting hymn today at church a coincidence. I'd rather call it divine intervention. I don't think the worship leader was aware of the hymn from Passion. He was not a young guy and he just picked up the songs that morning from the church hymnal!!

Today ... my Lord spoke to me ... "Stop looking around and settle down in My house and help make the aroma from this altar you're at right now sweeter than it's been before".


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