Saturday, June 11, 2005

My dad

My dad's picture came in the local newspaper, ofcourse it's not a big country, and so it's paper may not be a big deal to many .... but to me it's a BIG THING!!

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He's in a group of other people, and the paper article aint for my Daddy alone ... but who cares he's being recognized for his 30yrs of loyalty and service for the same company!!

Seriously, my Dad is a lean-mean working machine. I got to admit seeing his arms I sometimes think he has more strength than me. Anyways that aint the point here, I don't see myself working for the same company for 30 yrs, even with the company not being the best behavior to my Dad.

I've never told my Dad about this blog site of mine (and I don't intend to) but I got to say, I'm inspired by his diligence at everything he does. He is so organized and cool about everything.

I know Father's Day is not yet come, but I got to admit in advance, he's my best buddy!!

Now I got to think of something good to buy for my Dad before 19th ....


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