Hand of a dog ...
If you're a soccer fan, you surely must have heard of the '86 World Cup when the great Argentinian player Maradona knocked out England in the quarter-finals with a controversial goal called the "hand of god" goal."Maradona said that the disparity in size between himself and England goalkeeper Peter Shilton meant he was never going to head the ball as it was played into the area. The Argentinian maestro scored the goal by punching the ball into the net during a jump as Shilton leapt into the air towards the ball."
The referee didn't see it, many did. There was a lot of confusion. But the goal was ofcourse granted as the ref's didn't see him use his hand. So some dumb jerk decided to call it the "hand of god" ... which I rather prefer to call the "hand of a dog"
Why? 'Cos Maradona basked in the spotlight generated from all this "hand of god" hype & never admitted to actually punching the ball in.
But finally ... a few days back he admitted!! Yeah, the dog admitted that he punched the ball in. Here's what he said "I don't for a second regret scoring that goal with my hand"
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