Friday, July 22, 2005

My workplace is on the news!

As you can see I'm so bored at work, I'm blogging within hours of putting up my last blog.

Anyways, I just saw that we came in the news. Here is the article in Information Week. We, as in all the people I work with in my building. We were some "pilot" project for some concept commonly known as "Future of Work (FoW)". The building I'm working in, has no traditional cubes/desks. So your next question would be, am I working at the hospital, airport, station etc. Nope! We are all a normal financial company. But the cool thing about FoW here is that, we are totally mobile. We have been given laptops (really good ones in fact) which already have WiFi in them. Our phones are VoIP, which means we can make any phone in the building, ours. How? We just key in our login, and automatically all calls/messages come to that phone. There are laptop ports all over the building in open desk environments (on a normal day), smaller enclosed environments (for quieter working times), enclosed rooms (in case you're going to be on the phone a lot), leather massage chairs (these massage chairs are from Sharper Image ... so yeah they are the in-thing), conference rooms, coffee lounges (for casual chats/meets), cafeterias, etc. Here's the best part, since the whole campus is enabled with WiFi, we can sit out on the grass/lawn and still continue working. They have this treehouse kinda porch outside too ... there's wireless even there!

In fact while I was typing this blog, my friend pointed to the window behind me. I turned around and see an ice-cream truck with people already waiting in line to get some ... so I'm going to go get myself some as soon as I finish the last point ...
Image hosted by (actually the line got really really long later ... should hav taken the pic then)

Yeah ... so we're the cool guys ... but just for a short period of time, though :( Microsoft is coming out with an even bigger wireless internet working campus than ours ... and they will once again own the world ... blah blah blah!!

BRAIN-FREEZE timeeeeeeeee


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