Wednesday, October 19, 2005

What kind of a teacher are you?

If you were well-versed in something and had to explain this concept you so clearly know to some beginner or novice or let's say a really cute summer-intern ... how would you go about getting this task done?

Now I have noticed that some people proceed to sit down, take out a pen & paper and start to explain the whole thing, but at the end of the knowledge-transfer session all you can see is some meaningless half-drawn/incomplete diagrams drawn on the notepad and you have to rely on whatever your mentor blabbered in the last 200 seconds.

But then there are these other group of people who don't even bother taking this extra bit of trouble, and point you in the direction of other resources (books/documents/other persons) who could provide you all the information you need regarding the concept.

Then there is this other type of people who I feel are very rare to find. They would actually sit down & explain the concept very very slowly & clearly, but with the use of words and analogies more, they help drive the concept right into our brain with their patient & slow & relentless reptition of the basic steps in the concept.

So what type of a teacher am I? Well just today I realised I am a different kind ...
I would rather get a room with a whiteboard and atleast 3 different colours. I would proceed to explain the whole concept with a good diagram with the clear flows. I would use different examples on the same diagram, to show how the same concept would work under different scenarios. If I do it this way, I can have the person walk out of the room in less than 30 minutes, with a confident smile on his face and having helped him avoid reading the 50pg. document explaining the same thing.

Today when this guy walked out of my knowledge-transfer session ... he wouldn't stop thanking me for making it all so clear to him. I just felt a little bit proud of myself ... Hopefully at the end of this post ... you'll improve your teaching styles too!


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